I am gonna give church another shot (semi-long rambling post)
On March 1, 2010 at 11:44 AM Pacific Time, # 1 MACK_MAMA wrote:
you are my first unicorn. LOL!!! what do I mean by that?you're the FIRST person I've ever known that CHOSE to be Catholic!!!!!!!

did you just call me a unicorn??? dead!!
girl i was raised garden variety christian and since my tribe is such a mess o' greens i figured um, yeah whatever ya'll were taught - it ain't working.
even more shallow? i was "led" to the church because i could see its tallest spire from the highway. actually all of you have seen it if you've ever watched the opening credits of the sopranos.
On March 1, 2010 at 10:39 AM Pacific Time, MarloT wrote:
On March 1, 2010 at 9:45 AM Pacific Time, Glamazon wrote:
Sweetie, I believe that God is a feeling, at least in the beginning of you relationship with Him and as you spend more time with Him, He shows up in so many things and other areas. You see Him and feel Him in all things. I am so happy for you that are reaching out again and revisiting the idea of church. My 10 cent advice? Pray...ask God to send you to a church that will feed your soul AND teach you all that He wants you to learn.
Church is many things that people don't think it is. It is an emergency room for broken souls. It's a place of peace and rejoicing, filled with music and joy. It's a place of hard conversations and counseling. It's classroom of learning and growing. Most importantly, it is just ANOTHER place we gather together as believers to love one another, help the community, learn how to live and love and most significantly, worship Him. Don't go back to your "old church" just because it's familiar and make sure that you are obedient to go where God leads you. Listen with your heart. You'll know it's the right church when you get there. You'll be lead there, drawn to the place that is right for you. You will feel (yes feel ) love, acceptance, joy, peace all of which is God in the room.
and make sure that you are obedient to go where God leads you. Listen with your heart. You'll know it's the right church when you get there.
I just became Catholic and this here is why. I don't align myself with a church (building) or the words of a particular priest (he's just a man) but with the word of God. He'll be wherever you find him Lis.
I was in a Catholic church twice....one time at my college roommate's wedding AND another time...I visited with a friend. I was so intimidated by all the prayers....thinking....how in tarnation will I remember all these...lol. They were both VERY beautiful churches in all their majesty. You really said something that made me think.... I really need to go to church AND get in my own zone. Focus on my connection with God as my first objective as oppose to the connections with the dwelling and the people in it. I guess...recognizing that this has been one of my weaknesses will help me hang in there next time around. I know that the devil or negative forces do not want us there...so I need to let God..help me defeat these feelings. Nice to see ya gurl.

Thanks Glam,
Definitely great advice AND I will pray about it for sure. I know that I want a closer relationship with God. I want my kids to experience the awesomeness of God. God's hand has been on me all these years so I really want to show my love...by devoting more of my time to worshiping and trying to learn more. You always have the right words...what a gift. Hugs.
Definitely great advice AND I will pray about it for sure. I know that I want a closer relationship with God. I want my kids to experience the awesomeness of God. God's hand has been on me all these years so I really want to show my love...by devoting more of my time to worshiping and trying to learn more. You always have the right words...what a gift. Hugs.
Thanks Birdman,
I have a feeling that it will happen. The fact that I am more open than I have been in the past...is a good thing. I need to stop putting folk on pedestals... Rather than let their negatively impact me...I need to pray for them and not let anyone steal my joy....cuz in essence that's what has happened in the past.
I have a feeling that it will happen. The fact that I am more open than I have been in the past...is a good thing. I need to stop putting folk on pedestals... Rather than let their negatively impact me...I need to pray for them and not let anyone steal my joy....cuz in essence that's what has happened in the past.
I was raised in the church...I'm so use to going to churches that are big with lots of members, music off the chain, and the preacher can make the congregation start shouting within 20 minutes of delivering the word. When my husband and I moved to NV (southern NV...no where near Vegas, lol). I found a small church, but I wasn't "feeling" it.....yet I couldn't make myself find somewhere else to go. The congregation is very small, the pastor IS the organist, the praise team sings way off key....but yet I'm still there. The "spirit" led me to this church and the "spirit" is now showing me why.....I don't need music, I don't need shouting, I don't need a big crowd to hide among: all I need is Jesus! No excuses can I give anymore....in that church, it's nothing but PURE worship.
Let the spirit lead you and it will NEVER lead you wrong! God Bless you on this spritual journey!
Let the spirit lead you and it will NEVER lead you wrong! God Bless you on this spritual journey!
Thanks Mrs. Trina,
That's just beautiful....I am so glad that you found a church home too. I know its a good feeling. I have actually been to so many churches...large and small...black and white. I am thinking that perhaps I have not let the Lord dwell in me enough....and that is perhaps my problem....maybe its me AND not the churches. Well...one was not me...they tried to mistreat my kids..I had to leave that place. BUT you have definitely give me some good food for thought. I appreciate you for taking the time to post.
That's just beautiful....I am so glad that you found a church home too. I know its a good feeling. I have actually been to so many churches...large and small...black and white. I am thinking that perhaps I have not let the Lord dwell in me enough....and that is perhaps my problem....maybe its me AND not the churches. Well...one was not me...they tried to mistreat my kids..I had to leave that place. BUT you have definitely give me some good food for thought. I appreciate you for taking the time to post.